Internal vs External Cheats in CS2: What to Choose for Maximum Security?
19 weeks ago
Internal vs External Cheats in CS2: What to Choose for Maximum Security?
Table of Contents
  • 1. Getting to the Point
  • 2. So that’s why 9 out 10 users choose external!

Many of you may already be familiar with the topic of this article, but our team wants to spread enlightenment to the masses, so we take it upon ourselves to clarify the matter in simple terms. Most cheats for Counter-Strike 2 are divided into internal and external software, which fundamentally differ from each other. In this post, we will examine the theoretical aspects of each type of software.

Getting to the Point

The essence of Internal cheats is that they are directly injected into the CS2 process, often via DLL injection. From there, they intercept function calls and inject their own, making the game think that the imposter is the function it needs. In other words, Internal cheats modify memory, allowing them to replace model materials, resulting in chams.

External cheats, on the other hand, read information from outside, which imposes certain limitations on functionality but makes the cheat harder to detect. Thus, ESP elements, for example, are drawn over the game. A good example of the difference between internal and external cheats in CS2 is how the aimbot works. Internal cheats read enemy coordinates and use memory access to interact with the player's view angle coordinates. In contrast, an external cheat, by obtaining coordinates from the outside, alters the mouse position on the client without touching the memory at all.

So that’s why 9 out 10 users choose external!

As you can see, external cheats provide absolute security to the user, making their use possible even at the professional level of Counter-Strike. It’s worth recalling the player Forsaken from the OpTic India team, whose external cheat was only discovered after a personal PC check. However, we would bet that most readers won't have a sinister organizer behind their backs. Spurdo's main goal is to maximize user safety from game bans, so we offer the chance to enjoy CS2 with an external cheat running in kernel mode, making detection by Valve's anti-cheat impossible.

ну хз
19 weeks ago